August 14, 2009


Filed under: Uncategorized — christabosco @ 7:32 pm

So, I broke down and got myself a new blog. This blog has treated me well, but it is time to move to bigger and better! 🙂

My new blog address is So subscribe, favorite it, or revise your googlereaders!

August 13, 2009

Lindsay & Jeff :: New Hampshire Engagement

Filed under: Christa Bosco Photography,Engagement,Personal — christabosco @ 12:56 am

This is a special engagement post for me. Because, not only is Lindsay my bff- I am the matron of honor in her wedding! So, although I will not be photographing her wedding personally, I was able to do their enagement session. (But don’t worry- Wendi will be shooting this wedding as the representing photographer of Team Dolce!! And I’m not going to lie- I’m jealous.) But really, I am really excited to be such a big part in another way. And how cool is it going to be, to be a guest at a wedding!! I can’t even remember the last wedding I was a guest at(an honored guest to boot)!! woo hoo!!

So, as you can see- I have a very hot bff. Her and Jeff are like a magazine cover couple. I know- not fair. But at least we can all appreciate the hottness seen below. I admit- I had fun with the fierceness. But not to worry- Mom and Dad have plenty of smiley portraits to choose from.. but really.. these are my favs:

And here is a just for fun one- this little clearing downtown Nashua was chock-full of bugs. Lindsay and Jeff were being swarmed with them here. I really just love Lindsay in this one. I can’t even tell you why. I just do. 🙂

August 11, 2009

Angelo the Pirate

Filed under: Children,Christa Bosco Photography,Personal — christabosco @ 8:17 pm


August 7, 2009

Dalila and Nuno :: West Haven, Beach Engagement

Filed under: Christa Bosco Photography,Engagement — christabosco @ 7:58 pm

Well. I just have to say that I am in love with these photos. Dalila and Nuno brought their A game to this shoot. They rocked it, seriously rocked it. Wendi and I were just in our glories.. sunset, gorgeous couple, beach, fantastic sky… ahhhh..  love it.

And this is my favorite.  I knew it the minute I took it.  Wendi suggested the chair for this pose.. and it was perfect.

August 6, 2009

Tara :: baby belly

Filed under: Christa Bosco Photography,Maternity — christabosco @ 7:23 pm

When Tara emailed me asking to do her maternity shots, I was thrilled.  Wendi and I can’t believe it has been almost a year since her and Jon have gotten married!  And now they are adding a little blessing to their family!

Tara and Jon have this amazing pool.  It was incredibly difficult for Wendi and I not to jump in on the hot day- clothes, camera, and all.

July 31, 2009

Katie-Lyn & Kevin :: Gershon Fox Room Wedding

Filed under: Christa Bosco Photography,Weddings — christabosco @ 12:34 am

I met Katie through her mom Lynda, a fellow teacher at the middle school I teach at (Katie’s own alma mater!)  I’ve really gotten to know Katie over the last year and a half during all of the fun planning that goes into a wedding! She is just a wonderfully sweet person with such a caring heart and genuine personality.  I met Kevin during our engagement shoot.  They were such a fabulous couple to shoot; they way they looked at each other said it all- and they did not disappoint for their wedding day. They were all smiles and in love; they were a gorgeous couple.

Another big thanks, as always, to Wendi: second shooter extraordinaire… and to my brother Dan, for helping out as our “candid man.”  🙂

Katie’s matron-of-honor was her cousin… another wonderful and sweet person.

Another gorgeous church…

Katie and Kevin wanted some photos with the Hartford skyline in the background. We went over to a foot bridge right by the highway and got some great shots.

During cocktail hour, Katie and Kevin snuck out to take a little walk around the G. Fox building…

One of the best first dances of all time…

Congratulations Katie-Lyn and Kevin! 🙂

July 23, 2009

Kara & Frank :: Wedding

Filed under: Christa Bosco Photography,Weddings — christabosco @ 2:54 am

It wasn’t that long ago that Kara and Frank had their kick bootay engagement shoot at Muzzy Field!  And now they are finally married.  🙂  Kara and Frank’s wedding was extra awesome because it was all right in Bristol.  I don’t think I have ever shot a wedding that was 10 minutes away from my house!!  Way cool.  A shout out to all of my Bristol brides!!! 😉

Two things I can say about this wedding. A) Kara and Frank’s friends know how to tear. it. up. and really have a great time.  B) Frank is completely enamoured with his wife Kara.  The kind of love that makes you ::sigh::  in a lovey way.

So, here is your preview (neighbors!)  Special thanks to both Wendi and Melany for their superior shooting skillz (with a “z”)!!!


and lastly.. a tribute to “the tribies”

(from left to right- Wendi, Alyssa, Me, Melany)

July 12, 2009

Molly & Nick :: Topsmead Engagement

Filed under: Christa Bosco Photography,Engagement — christabosco @ 11:25 pm

Molly, Nick, Wendi, and I all agree that Topsmead should be the location for all engagement sessions.  lol.  No seriously.. it was such a beautiful location with so many possibilities.  If you are debating about a location for your engagement session… this is a great pick.  As you can see below! 🙂

July 11, 2009

Meg & Nik :: Wedding

Filed under: Christa Bosco Photography,Weddings — christabosco @ 1:51 am

Meghan and Nik had a really beautiful and very traditional Greek wedding.  Gorgeous ceremony.  Huge loving families.  Lots of Greek dancing.  Greek band.  Heart-felt speeches.  And a wonderful vibe of congeniality and warmth.  It was such an honor to be a part of the day.  Wendi and I wish you both nothing but the best of love and happiness.  🙂  Enjoy the preview!

June 25, 2009

Megan & Chris :: Waveny House Engagement

Filed under: Christa Bosco Photography,Engagement — christabosco @ 1:07 am

Meghan and Chris picked a fabulous location for their engagement session: The Waveny House.  Although we were reeaaaally close to a rain out (it was looking pretty gray with even some sprinkles to threaten us)… we trooped on and we were so glad we did.  First, there were practically no people around us at the house as we shot.  And second, the lighting was so amazing.  No harsh shadows or squinty eyes!  Perfect. 

Here is a preview of a few of my favorite images from their session.  And of course… thanks to Wendi for all your help!! 🙂

I really loved the grounds… I mean, look at the amazing backdrops…

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